
Selected context: Philippines (en_PH) English
  • 60810001 Never went to school, no education
  • 60810002 Less than 6 years of schooling
  • 60810003 Elementary school leaving certificate
  • 60810004 Junior high school leaving certificate
  • 60810005 Senior high school leaving certificate
  • 60810006 Senior high school leaving certificate with vocational specialisation
  • 60810007 Higher vocational education
    • 60810008 Certificate of competency, National Certificate I - III
    • 60810009 National Licence (Technician, Master Craftsmen)
  • 60810010 University or college degree
    • 60810011 Pre-baccalaureate or Associate Certificate/ Diploma
    • 60810012 Bachelor's degree, 4-5 years
    • 60810013 Bachelor's degree, 6 years or more
    • 60810014 Post Baccalaureate Certificate/ Diploma
    • 60810015 M.D. - Doctor of Medicine or J.D. Juris Doctor
    • 60810016 Master's degree
    • 60810017 Doctorate degree