
Version: working

Selected context: Philippines (en_PH) English
Name Description searchable active
60810001 Never went to school, no education
60810002 Less than 6 years of schooling
60810003 Elementary school leaving certificate
60810004 Junior high school leaving certificate
60810005 Senior high school leaving certificate
60810006 Senior high school leaving certificate with vocational specialisation
60810007 Higher vocational education
60810008 Certificate of competency, National Certificate I - III
60810009 National Licence (Technician, Master Craftsmen)
60810010 University or college degree
60810011 Pre-baccalaureate or Associate Certificate/ Diploma
60810012 Bachelor's degree, 4-5 years
60810013 Bachelor's degree, 6 years or more
60810014 Post Baccalaureate Certificate/ Diploma
60810015 M.D. - Doctor of Medicine or J.D. Juris Doctor
60810016 Master's degree
60810017 Doctorate degree