
Selected context: Sudan (en_SD) English
  • 72910001 Never went to school, no education
  • 72910002 Kindergarten
  • 72910003 Not competed primary education
  • 72910004 Primary education completed, 6 years
  • 72910005 Basic Education Certificate
  • 72910006 Secondary School Certificate or Apprenticeships Certificate
    • 72910007 Vocational Secondary School Certificate
    • 72910008 Vocational Training and Apprenticeships Certificate
    • 72910009 Sudanese Technical Secondary School Certificate
    • 72910010 Sudanese Academic Secondary School Certificate
  • 72910011 Technical Diploma Certificate
  • 72910012 University
    • 72910013 Bachelor's Degree, 3-4 years
    • 72910014 Bachelor's Degree, 5 years or more
    • 72910015 Postgraduate Diploma
    • 72910016 Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • 72910017 Master's Degree
    • 72910018 Doctoral Degree, PhD