
Version: working

Selected context: Uganda (en_UG) English
Name Description searchable active
80000001 No qualification, never went to school
80000002 Less than seven years of schooling
80000003 PLE - Primary Leaving Examination Certificate
80000004 Certificates 1
80000005 UCE - Uganda Certificate of Education
80000006 Certificates 2
80000007 UACE - Uganda Avanced Certificate of Education
80000008 Diploma, after Certificates 2
80000009 Diploma, after UACE
80000010 Tertiary or university degree
80000011 Bachelor's degree, 3-4 years
80000012 Bachelor's degree, 5 years or more
80000013 PGD - Postgraduate Diploma
80000014 Master's degree
80000015 Doctoral degree