
Version: working

Selected context: Pakistan (en_PK) English
Name Description searchable active
56810041 No certificate, less than 5 years of schooling
56810042 Primary education completed, grade 5
56810043 Middle level education completed, grade 8
56810045 Technical / Vocational Training after completed grade 8
56810046 Technical / Vocational Training after completed grade 10
56810047 Secondary School Certificate or Matriculation, grade 10
56810050 Diploma / Certificate of Technical Education, Polytechnic, grade 13
56810051 Higher Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate School Certificate, grade 12
56810052 Bachelor's Degree , 4-5 years
56810053 Bachelor Pass, 2 years
56810054 Bachelor Honours, 4 years
56810055 Diploma
56810056 Master's degree