
Version: working

Selected context: Pakistan (en_PK) English
Name Description searchable active
56810001 Never went to school, no education
56810002 No certificate, less than 5 years of schooling
56810003 Primary education completed, grade 5
56810004 Middle level education completed, grade 8
56810005 Technical / Vocational Training after completed grade 8
56810006 Trade Certificate, Short Course
56810007 Diploma of a Vocational Institute
56810008 Diploma of a Technical Training College/ Center- GTVC
56810009 Secondary School Certificate - SSC, or Matriculation, grade 10
56810010 Secondary School Certificate - SSC, grade 10
56810011 Matriculation, grade10
56810012 Technical / Vocational Training after completed grade 10
56810013 Primary Teaching Certificate - PTC
56810014 Paramedical Diploma
56810015 Registered Nurse - RN or General Nursing Diploma
56810016 Registered Nurse - RN
56810017 General Nursing Diploma
56810018 Trade Certificate of Skilled Workman, grade 1
56810019 Trade Certificate of Skilled Workman, grade 2
56810020 Trade Certificate of Skilled Workman, grade 3