
Version: working

Selected context: United Kingdom (the) (en_GB) English
Name Description searchable active
82601066 HNC - Higher National Certificate; Edexcel/ BTEC
82601067 CertHE - Certificate of Higher Education
82601068 HND - Higher National Diploma; Edexcel/ BTEC
82601069 DipHE - Diploma of Higher Education
82601070 HE Diploma - Higher Education Diploma
82601071 University degrees
82601072 Foundation degree
82601073 Bachelor's degree, 3-4 years
82601074 Bachelor's degree, 5 years
82601075 Master's degree
82601076 Post-Graduate Certificates
82601077 Post-Graduate Diplomas
82601078 Post-Graduate Diploma or Certificate
82601079 Doctorate, PhD
82601082 First/ General Diploma; Edexcel/ BTEC
82601083 No qualification, never went to school