

Total results: 32,886

Context Language Translation Element Type Description
Gibraltar (en_GI) English kk country Гибралтар 
Greenland (da_GL) Danish kk country Гренландия 
Gambia (en_GM) English kk country Гамбия 
Guinea (fr_GN) French kk country Гвинея 
Guadeloupe (fr_GP) French kk country Гваделупа 
Equatorial Guinea (es_GQ) Spanish kk country Экваторлық Гвинея 
Greece (el_GR) Greek kk country Греция 
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (en_GS) English kk country Оңтүстік Георгия және Оңтүстік Сандвич аралдары 
Guatemala (es_GT) Spanish kk country Гватемала 
Guam (en_GU) English kk country Гуам 
Guinea-Bissau (pt_GW) Portuguese kk country Гвинея-Бисау 
Guyana (en_GY) English kk country Гайана 
Hong Kong (en_HK) English kk country Гонконг 
Hong Kong (yue_HK) Cantonese kk country Гонконг 
Honduras (es_HN) Spanish kk country Гондурас 
Croatia (hr_HR) Croatian kk country Хорватия 
Haiti (fr_HT) French kk country Гаити 
Hungary (hu_HU) Hungarian kk country Венгрия 
Indonesia (id_ID) Indonesian kk country Индонезия 
Ireland (en_IE) English kk country Ирландия