
Description Certificado de Educación Laboral, INCE/INCES, CECAL
Name 86200010
Context Venezuela (es_VE) Spanish
Searchable 1
Searchweight 245
Source UIS9708
Active 1

Classification Elements

Classification Name Description Source Deviation Note Action
ISCED1997 4Bv Vocational post-secondary non-tertiary education, access 5B actions
ISCED1997-LFS 9000 Not covered by official mappings actions
Alternative ISCED1997 3Cvs Vocational upper secondary education < 2 years actions
ISCED-A2011 9000 qualification not covered in official mapping actions
ISCED2011-LFS 9000 Not covered by official mappings actions
Alternative ISCED2011 254 Vocational lower secondary education with direct access to upper secondary education actions
edulvlb 229 Vocational ISCED 3 < 2 years actions



Coding name Description Note Action
86200010 Mecánico
86200010 Electricista
86200010 Operador de Máquinas
86200010 Constructor Civil
86200010 Secretario/Secretaria
86200010 Cocina
86200010 Alimentación
86200010 Vendedor/Vendedora
86200010 Arte Manual y Estética