
Description Полученное без завершения основного образования
Name 44010007
Context Lithuania (ru_LT) Russian
Searchable 1
Source ESSR7
Active 1

Classification Elements

Classification Name Description Source Deviation Note Action
ISCED1997 2Cvl Pre-vocational lower secondary education, no access ISCED 3 actions
ISCED1997-LFS 21 ISCED 2 actions
Alternative ISCED1997 2Cvl Pre-vocational lower secondary education, no access ISCED 3 actions
ISCED-A2011 252 Vocational partial lower secondary education without direct access to upper secondary education actions
ISCED2011-LFS 200 ISCED 2 (incl. ISCED 3 programmes of duration of less than 2 years) actions
Alternative ISCED2011 253 Vocational lower secondary education without direct access to upper secondary education actions
edulvlb 221 Vocational ISCED 2 >= 2 years, no access ISCED 3 actions


Message User Inserted Action
single programme duration: 2-3 years Ortmanns actions
