
Description F.P. de 2ยบ Grado - FP2
Name 72400035
Context Spain (es_ES) Spanish
Qualfoutdated 1
Yearin 1970
Yearout 1990
Searchable 1
Searchweight 435
Source ESSR8
Active 1

Classification Elements

Classification Name Description Source Deviation Note Action
ISCED1997 5B First stage of tertiary education, practical/ technical/ occupationally programmes actions
ISCED1997-LFS 51 ISCED 5b actions
Alternative ISCED1997 4Cv Vocational post-secondary non-tertiary education, no access tertiary actions
ISCED-A2011 550 Vocational short-cycle tertiary education actions
ISCED2011-LFS 500 ISCED 5 actions
Alternative ISCED2011 453 Vocational post-secondary non-tertiary education without direct access to tertiary education actions
edulvlb 421 Vocational ISCED 4, no access tertiary actions

