
Description Dëftesë pjekurie, arsim i mesëm profesional, 4 vjeçar identisch zu Dëftesë e përfundimit dhe Çertifikatë e aftësive profesionale për punëtor të kualifikuar
Name 99900012
Context Kosovo (sq_XK) Albanian
Cumyear 12
Typicalage 18
Note professional 4 years upper secondary education
Searchable 1
Searchweight 345
Source ESSR6
Active 1

Classification Elements

Classification Name Description Source Deviation Note Action
ISCED1997 9000 not in official mappings actions
ISCED1997-LFS 9000 Not covered by official mappings actions
Alternative ISCED1997 3Av Vocational upper secondary education, access 5A actions
ISCED-A2011 9000 qualification not covered in official mapping actions
ISCED2011-LFS 9000 Not covered by official mappings actions
Alternative ISCED2011 354 Vocational upper secondary education with direct access to tertiary education actions
edulvlb 323 Vocational ISCED 3, full access tertiary actions



Coding name Description Note Action
99900012 Shkolla e mesme farmacis
99900012 Shkolla e mesme mjeksisë
99900012 Shkolla e mesme