
Description Diploma s strokovnim naslovom / Višješolsko izobraževanje [prejšnje]
Name 70500041
Context Slovenia (sl_SI) Slovenian
Qualfoutdated 1
Searchable 1
Searchweight 570
Source EC14
Active 1

Classification Elements

Classification Name Description Source Deviation Note Action
ISCED1997 5As First stage of tertiary education, intermediate with access to 6 actions
ISCED1997-LFS 51 ISCED 5b actions
Alternative ISCED1997 5As First stage of tertiary education, intermediate with access to 6 actions
ISCED-A2011 540 General short-cycle tertiary education actions
ISCED2011-LFS 500 ISCED 5 actions
Alternative ISCED2011 540 General short-cycle tertiary education actions
edulvlb 510 General/academic ISCED 5 actions

