
Description Μεταπτυχιακό δίπλωμα ειδίκευσης, Ανώτατο Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα - ATEI / TEI
Name 30000018
Context Greece (el_GR) Greek
Qualfrom Metaptychiako diploma idikefsis ATEI
Searchable 1
Searchweight 750
Source EC14
Active 1

Classification Elements

Classification Name Description Source Deviation Note Action
ISCED1997 5Bl Long ISCED 5 without access to 6 actions
ISCED1997-LFS 51 ISCED 5b actions
Alternative ISCED1997 5Bl Long ISCED 5 without access to 6 actions
ISCED-A2011 750 Professional master's level education actions
ISCED2011-LFS 700 ISCED 7 actions
Alternative ISCED2011 750 Professional master's level education actions
edulvlb 710 Vocational/professional ISCED 7 actions

