
Selected context: Ethiopia (en_ET) English
  • 23110001 Never went to school, no education
  • 23110002 Grade 1-8, Primary and Junior Secondary School
    • 23110003 No certificate, less than 4 years of schooling
    • 23110004 No certificate, 5-6 years of schooling
    • 23110005 Certificate of Primary School, grade 6 completed [old system]
    • 23110006 No certificate, 7-8 years of schooling
    • 23110007 Junior Secondary School Certificate, grade 8 completed [old system]
    • 23110008 Primary School Certificate, grade 8 completed
  • 23110009 Senior Secondary School, grade 10 [old system]
  • 23110010 Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate - EGSEC, grade 10
  • 23110013 Technical and Vocational Education Training - TVET I-III
    • 23110014 Level I TVET-Certificate
    • 23110015 Level II TVET-Certificate
    • 23110016 Diploma, Level III TVET-Certificate
  • 23110011 Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate - ESLC [old system]
  • 23110012 Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate - EHEEE
  • 23110017 Higher professional education - TVET IV-V
    • 23110018 Diploma, Level IV TVET-Certificate
    • 23110019 Diploma, Level V TVET-Certificate
  • 23110020 Teacher Training
    • 23110021 Pre-school Teaching Certificate
    • 23110022 Primary Teacher Training Certificate, first cycle (grades 1-4) [old system]
    • 23110023 Primary Teacher Training Certificate, second cycle (grades 5-8) [old system]
    • 23110024 Diploma in Primary Teacher Training, 3 years
    • 23110025 Bachelor's in Secondary Education Teaching - B.Ed. [until 2010]
    • 23110026 Post-graduate Diploma in Teaching - PGDT [since 2011]
  • 23110027 University
    • 23110028 Bachelor's Degree, 3-4 years
    • 23110032 Bachelor's in Secondary Education Teaching - B.Ed. [until 2010]
    • 23110033 Post-graduate Diploma in Teaching - PGDT [since 2011]
    • 23110029 Bachelor's Degree, 5-6 years
    • 23110030 Masters's Degree
    • 23110031 Doctorate Degree, Ph.D.