
Selected context: Singapore (en_SG) English
  • 70210001 No formal qualification/Lower primary
    • 70210002 Never attended school
    • 70210003 Pre-primary/Kindergarten education
    • 70210004 Primary education without Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) certification / Primary School Proficiency Examination (PSPE) Certification or other certifications of equivalent standard
    • 70210005 Certificate in BEST 1-3
  • 70210006 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) certification or equivalent
    • 70210007 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) certification
    • 70210008 Certificate in BEST 4
  • 70210009 Secondary and pre-university education or equivalent
    • 70210010 Certificate in WISE 1-3
    • 70210011 Lower secondary education (General) - Special, Express, Normal (academic)
    • 70210012 Lower secondary education (General) - Special, Express, Normal (technical)
    • 70210013 Singapore-Cambridge GCE N-level (academic)
    • 70210014 Singapore-Cambridge GCE N-level (technical)
    • 70210015 Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-level
    • 70210016 Completion of Year 4 of Integrated Programme
    • 70210017 Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-level
    • 70210018 International Baccalaureate or High School Diploma or A-level equivalent
  • 70210019 Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
    • 70210020 Basic vocational certificates (including ITE Basic Vocational Training)
    • 70210021 National ITE Certificate (Intermediate), ITE Skills Certificate (ISC) or equivalent
    • 70210022 National ITE Certificate (NITEC)
    • 70210023 Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher NITEC)
    • 70210024 Master National ITE Certificate (Master NITEC)
    • 70210025 ITE Technical Diploma/Technical Engineering Diploma/Work-Learn Technical Diploma
  • 70210026 Polytechnics, arts institutions and other diploma/advanced diploma qualifications
    • 70210027 Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)
    • 70210028 Polytechnic Diploma
    • 70210029 Polytechnic Advanced Diploma (including polytechnic advanced/post/specialist/management/graduate diploma)
    • 70210030 Diploma qualifications (eg NIE diploma, SIM diploma, LaSalle-SIA diploma, NAFA diploma)
    • 70210031 Other advanced diploma, post-diploma qualifications or equivalent n.e.c.
    • 70210032 Qualifications awarded by professional bodies
  • 70210033 Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQs)
    • 70210034 At least 3 WSQ Statements of Attainment in Workplace Literacy or Numeracy (WPLN) at Level 1 or 2 (e.g., under ESS, ES)
    • 70210035 At least 3 WSQ Statements of Attainment in Workplace Literacy or Numeracy (WPLN) at Level 3 or 4 (e.g., under ESS, ES)
    • 70210036 At least 3 WSQ Statements of Attainment in Workplace Literacy or Numeracy (WPLN) at Level 5 and above (eg under ESS, ES)
    • 70210037 WSQ Certificate/Higher Certificate/Advanced Certificate or equivalent
    • 70210038 WSQ Diploma
    • 70210039 WSQ Specialist Diploma
    • 70210040 WSQ Graduate Diploma or Certificate
  • 70210041 University qualifications
    • 70210042 Bachelor's Degree
    • 70210043 Postgraduate Diploma
    • 70210044 Master's Degree (including degree of at least 5 years (e.g., MBBS))
    • 70210045 Phd or Doctorate