
Selected context: Rwanda (en_RW) English
  • 64610001 Never went to school, no education
  • 64610002 Less than 5 years of schooling
  • 64610003 Primary leaving certificate, 6 years of primary education
  • 64610004 Ordinary 'O' level certificate, junior secondary or 9 years basic education
  • 64610005 Senior secondary or 12 years basic education, incl. professional/ technical education
    • 64610006 Professional certificate of secondary education, level A2
    • 64610007 Technical certificate of secondary education, level A2
    • 64610008 Advanced general certificate of secondary education, level A2, senior secondary edcuation
  • 64610009 Higher professional education
    • 64610010 Certificate of higher education, 1 year
    • 64610011 Diploma in higher education, 2 years
    • 64610012 Advanced diploma in higher education, level A1, 2-3 years (incl. nursing)
  • 64610013 University degree
    • 64610014 Bachelor ordinary degree, 3 years
    • 64610015 Bachelor degree with honours, 4-5 years
    • 64610016 Master
    • 64610017 Phd, doctoral degree