
Selected context: Ireland (en_IE) English
  • 37200001 No educational qualification or NFQ Level 1-2 or equivalent
    • 37200002 No qualification, never went to school
    • 37200003 Left school before finishing primary school; NFQ Level 1
    • 37200004 Left school after the end of primary school but before reaching the end of junior cycle (Junior Certificate); NFQ level 2
  • 37200005 NFQ Level 3, Junior Certificate or equivalent
    • 37200006 Junior Certificate; NFQ Level 3 (including Transition Year)
    • 37200007 Vocational NFQ Level 3 courses, certified by FETAC, e.g. Community training centres
  • 37200008 NFQ levels 4-5, LCE, LCA, LCVP, FETAC or equivalent
    • 37200009 Vocational NFQ level 4 courses, e.g. FETAC specific skills courses
    • 37200011 Leaving Certificate Applied programme (LCA); NFQ levels 4-5
    • 37200010 Leaving Certificate Established (LCE); Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP); NFQ levels 4-5
  • 37200012 NFQ level 5-7, Apprenticeship, PLC, HNC, Diploma or equivalent
    • 37200013 Apprenticeship - FAS/SOLAS etc.
    • 37200014 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses (duration of 1 year); Teagasc and Failte Ireland Advanced Certificate; NFQ level 5
    • 37200015 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses of 2 or more years duration and NFQ level 6
    • 37200016 Edexcel/BTEC/BEC/TEC - Higher National Certificate (HNC) or equivalent
    • 37200017 Higher Certificate - NFQ level 6
    • 37200018 Diploma, now termed 'Ordinary level bachelor degree' - NFQ level 7
  • 37200019 NFQ level 8-10, University degree
    • 37200020 Higher level/honours bachelor degree; NFQ level 8
    • 37200021 Higher/Graduate Diploma, NFQ level 8
    • 37200022 Post-graduate Diploma; NFQ level 9
    • 37200023 Masters Degree, M.Phil; NFQ level 9
    • 37200024 Ph.D, D.Phil or equivalent; NFQ level 10