
Selected context: United Kingdom (the) (en_GB) English
  • 82602065 No qualification
    • 82602066 No qualification, never went to school
    • 82602067 No qualification, left school before the age of 12
    • 82602068 No qualification, left school at the age of 12 or later
    • 82602073 Access 1 or 2
  • 82602069 Core or Basic Skills, Skills for Life
  • 82602006 Standard Grade (Foundation or General Level), Intermediate 1, SVQ level 1 or equivalent qualification
    • 82602075 SVQ level 1
    • 82602030 SLC, no grade - Scottish School Leaving Certificate
    • 82602032 JSC - Junior Secondary Certificate
    • 82602027 SCE O-grades, D-E
    • 82602028 1 to 4 SCE O-grades, A-C or pass
    • 82602025 Standard Grade, Foundation or General Level
    • 82602020 Access 3
    • 82602013 National 1 to 4 / Intermediate 1
  • 82602076 Credit Standard Grade, SVQ level 2 or equivalent qualification
    • 82602077 SVQ level 2
    • 82602031 SLC, lower or higher grade - Scottish School Leaving Certificate
    • 82602029 5 or more SCE O-grades, A-C or pass
    • 82602026 Standard Grade, Credit level
    • 82602017 National 5 / Intermediate 2
    • 82602060 GSVQ Intermediate Level
  • 82602033 SVQ level 3 or equivalent vocational qualification
    • 82602010 SVQ level 3
    • 82602053 (Modern) Apprenticeship, Trade or Advanced Apprenticeship
    • 82602061 GSVQ Advanced
    • 82602056 ONC - General/ Ordinary National Certificate or OND - General/ Ordinary National Diploma
  • 82602034 Higher, Advanced Higher or equivalent general qualification
    • 82602036 SCE Higher Grade [until 1999]
    • 82602035 Higher
    • 82602038 CSYS - Certificate of Sixth Year Studies [until 1999]
    • 82602037 Advanced Higher
  • 82602039 SVQ levels 4 and 5 or equivalent qualification
    • 82602011 SVQ level 4
    • 82602040 HNC - Higher National Certificate
    • 82602012 SVQ level 5
    • 82602042 HND - Higher National Diploma
    • 82602041 CertHE - Certificate of Higher Education
    • 82602043 DipHE - Diploma of Higher Education
  • 82602044 University degree
    • 82602045 Foundation degree
    • 82602046 Bachelor's degree, 3-4 years
    • 82602049 Bachelor's degree, 5 years
    • 82602051 Post-Graduate Diplomas and Certificates
    • 82602050 Master's degree
    • 82602052 Doctorate, PhD