
Version: working

Selected context: Nigeria (en_NG) English
Name Description searchable active
56600022 National Diploma - ND
56600023 Higher National Diploma - HND
56600024 Registered Nursing Certificate
56600025 University
56600026 Bachelor's in Nursing
56600027 Bachelor's Degree, 3 or 4 years
56600028 Post Graduate Diploma
56600029 Master's Degree
56600030 Master's of Philosophy
56600031 Doctoral Degree, PhD
56600032 Bachelor's in Education
56600033 Full Professional Diploma, Post Higher National Diploma - Post-HND
56600034 Advanced National Commercial Certificate - ANCC
56600035 Avanced National Technical Certificate - ANTC
56600036 Advanced National Business Certificate - ANBC
56600037 Junior Secondary School Certificate - JSC / Basic Education Certificate - BEC
56600038 Technical College or Vocational Enterprise Institution
56600039 City and Guilds of London Institute Craft Certificate [until 1993]
56600040 Monotechnics, Polytechnics, School of Nursing, College of Education
56600041 State University